When creating an account in the tool, you will be asked to provide personally identifying information. In this course, you will be using Turnitin, which is a tool to help review your written work.Before you invite students to self-enroll, please provide the following information to them:.Please note that only one TA can be assigned per section. Turnitin will need your TA's information for this process.If your class is a master and you want to add sections and/or give TAs access to your course, follow the steps to create a new section for your class.Copy these down so you can share them with students later, then click Continue. You will see a pop-up window with your class ID and enrollment key.The default end date for classes is twelve months from the start, but you can extend the end date at any time. Class end date - Once this date has passed, students can no longer enrol in the class or submit assignments.This field will only appear if your class is a standard class for a master class, enrollment keys will be set later for each section. Enrollment key - Fill in this field with the code that you will give your students to verify that they can enroll.If you will use sections and/or want to provide a TA (or a co-instructor) access to your course, please choose "Master".

The main difference is that a master class lets you create sections and add TAs. Class type - There are two types of classes in Turnitin: standard and master.Enter the required information (marked with a red asterisk) to create a new class, including the following:.Log in to Turnitin at using your email address and Turnitin password.Then you can add students and assignments. Get started with Turnitin by creating a class.